• We provide quality care just like your family member would, a trial will convince you

Mission Statement

The Crystalline Business Solutions Ltd mission statement is:

To be the first choice provider of services supporting individuals in their own homes, through partnership, quality and staff ownership.


In order to achieve these aims we have set the following objectives:-

  • To provide a service that fully satisfies the needs and expectations of individuals in their own homes.
  • To respect the individuality of our Service Users.
  • To actively seek and value the contribution made by informal Carers, families and relevant others in care planning.
  • To respond positively to feedback from our Service Users, their families and Carers, other health and social care professionals and our own staff.
  • To continuously seek ways in which our services can be improved.
  • To protect our Service Users and Staff from hazards and abuse.
  • To build and retain a stable, committed and highly trained workforce by sharing ownership of the company with them all.


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